BookList Search

Warning: Tripod's CGI is dying again. If nothing happens when you click Search, it's dead. If so, I'll try to update this page once in a while, but I'll be running PERL locally to do it... Major nuisance.
Thanks, Tripod, you've been really helpful for a really long time, but it's looking more and more like time to move on. But maybe it will recover? The last flaky period lasted a year or three, and then Tripod recovered.[2021-10-30]

BL Search Webform

Search Keyword:

Search Options:
All fields? Only in Author #s?
Ignore Case? Case Sensitive?
Fish against the authors?
Output Sort Options:
By Date Read? By Title? By Subject?
Output Formats:
Dates: Computerish? American? Pretty?
Authors: Author #s? Author Names? Both?
Note: The date search is prefixed by ^.{44}, so ^.{44}18 is 2018 and ^.{44}..11 is November. Basic regex expressions will work, such as the vertical bar. To check for Heinlein and Asimov, the search is heinlein|asimov with the checkbox for "Fish against the authors?" enabled.

Peak days amusements: 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 53 73 101 103 107 109 113 127 131 137 139 149 157 163 167 179
These are produced using JavaScript with a little data structure. (Haven't yet decided if I should include a live version running the actual code.) 2020-01-01 status 2020-02-02 status 2020-03-03 status 2020-04-04 status 2020-05-05 status 2020-06-06 status 2020-07-07 status 2020-08-08 status 2020-09-09 status 2020-10-10 status 2020-11-11 status 2020-12-12 status 2021-01-13 status 2021-02-14 status 2021-03-15 status 2021-04-16 status 2021-05-17 status 2021-06-18 status 2021-07-19 status 2021-08-20 status 2021-09-21 status 2021-10-22 status 2021-11-23 status 2021-12-24 status 2022-01-25 status 2022-02-26 status 2022-03-27 status 2022-04-28 status 2022-05-29 status 2022-06-30 status 2022-07-31 status 2022-09-01 status [Whoops, forgot to make 2022-10-02. Too much trouble to reconstruct now...] 2022-11-03 status 2022-12-04 status 2023-01-05 status [Whoops again. Missed February...] 2023-03-07 status Gave up on this utility as one of the computers involved entered into it's death throes. For now I'm updating the perpetual calendar version (linked below) as I update books, but I'm also desperately seeking a replacement app... After so many years this website is definitely on its last legs. 2023-04-08 status 2023-08-23 status 2023-09-13 status 2023-10-14 status 2023-11-15 status 2023-12-16 status 2024-01-17 status 2024-02-18 status 2024-03-19 status 2024-04-20 status 2024-05-21 status 2024-06-22 status 2024-07-23 status 2024-08-24 status 2024-09-25 status 2024-10-26 status 2024-11-27 status 2024-12-28 status 2025-01-29 status More automated version of the perpetual calendar prepared with support of DeepSeek

Okay, here's what I'm going to do... I'm linking to the JavaScript "perpetual calendar" even though the data is not really live. If I update it early in the month, it will serve my purposes well enough, as they say, but it should always show a 31-day calendar that's aligned with the current month and with the current day in a different color. (There is data for 31 days even if the current month has fewer, so it always has to be a 31-day calendar.) Also, for when it isn't working, the data files can be conveniently viewed for authors and titles.
Okay, this feels like a bit of a crazy diversion... Playing with new front-end tools created with the help of ChatGPT. It's kind of an ongoing project and I'll put some of the good versions here. Here's one of the first successes created with ChatGPT. Text search was added to this version with title search before ChatGPT got too confused. I may try again from a different perspective...

Historical footnote, moved down from above...

This stuff was at the top during the period when the PERL was disabled. Keeping the code around mostly in case it dies again...

Breaking News in 2018!

Tripod has apparently re-enabled the CGI/PERL gateway when I wasn't looking! It was dead from around 2014, but now the webform at the bottom is working again!

More thanks to Tripod (again), though I'm not understanding how they do things... I never did get a clear answer if paying for a website on Tripod would have had the same or a similar result.

So here's what I'm going to do: NOT mess with things. Like they say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. I'm going to leave the links to the standalone HTML I generated by running PERL locally, but if you want new results, you should be able to get it straight from the horse's webform's mouth at the bottom. (Also I'm going to stop with the manual updating of the standalone HTML but just upload the data files from time to time.)

More minor modifications!

I've decided to add live versions of the most common searches, though the local versions I ran before will stay there, too.

First obituary from 2014?

Well, first I have to thank Tripod for the many years they supported my little search engine.

The end-of-service part of the PERL/CGI was kind of clumsy, but I suppose they didn't really know what they were doing by the time. I suspect the people who originally set it up had moved to better things long before the plug got pulled, eh? (As of 23 June 2016, the entire website seems to be on its last legs...)

Basically this search engine was just my personal convenience thing, but I'm adding this parting note because I had used the result URLs a number of times over the years in email sent to friends. However, now I realize that they will not see this message unless I figure out how to create some kind of fake result file that will lead them back here...

After Tripod killed the PERL part (with the last death sometime in 2014?), I diddled around for a while, but have yet (as of mid-2015) to replace it in any proper sense. My most recent diddle was to learn how to run it locally. That means I can create new results on a less convenient and less dynamic basis, but it's also an example of what PERL can do...

Warning: These are not dynamic results, so they will be more or less out of date. I'm just creating them manually and uploading them. (Closed time periods in the past are probably okay, but anything subject to change may have.)

Last hack? If there's a generation date at the top of a results table, then it's probably accurate, but the dates at the bottom are from Tripod's server, and can't be trusted...

Here are some results:

2025 books
2024 books
2023 books
2022 books
2021 books
2020 books
2019 books
2018 books
Three years from 2019 to 2021 by Date Read
2021 books sorted by title
2017 books
2016 books
2015 books
2014 books read up to early October
All of 2014 in alphabetic order
All of 2013 in alphabetic order (Personal best, as in largest number.)
From the beginning up to August 2014 (This spans from its start on a typewriter in 1971, through the PL/C version, dBase II, and then the second (third?) back end in PERL.)
June 2015 books (Just a monthly sample.)


Brian Aldiss
Isaac Asimov
Iain Banks
Dave Barry
Agatha Christie
Richard Dawkins
Sue Grafton
Chelsea Handler
Robert Heinlein
Keigo Higashino
Keith Laumer
Ursula K. Le Guin
Michael Lewis
Soseki Natsume (Notice the author search glitch. It's supposed to pick up four digits three times, but sometimes it matches across the columns... Never could find that bug, though it is nailed down in the sense of being reproducible.)
P.J. O'Rourke
Kenzaburo Oe
Robert Parker
Georges Simenon
Rex Stout
Koji Suzuki


Computer Science subject (especially dated?)
Humor subject sorted by title
Psychology subject
Psychology subject sorted by title
mostly multi-volume series
With "each" for some teacher books...

In Japanese (but the database is Romaji):
Live Gakken manga series (complete)
All Gakken manga series (newest is GMDYWS from Romaji of "Gakken Manga De Yoku Wakaru Shiri-zu")
マリア探偵社 series (children's detective series)

Title-based search

This link is a live search and should produce the 26 books (or more as new books are added) that mention five tech companies (This was the special search that revealed the CGI/PERL gateway had been enabled again!) Mastodon