This is basically a bye-bye message to Tripod. Basically I'm grateful for the many years they hosted
this personal website, but their shutdown was kind of clumsy. It is even possible that they could have
sold me on a commercial website on the legacy, but I'm sorry to report that I didn't perceive any
attempt. I guess I can't blame them, except that
they picked their own poison... In this case an apparently poisonous economic model.
The most likely reason you are here might be from a link that I sent you. I think every webpage on this site
included a footer link back to this entry page. That even includes the results of my BookList search engine
of the books I've read. You can read a bit more on that "star of the show" if you're
curious about it.
In conclusion, it's been fun, but the fun never lasts.
At the upper left of most of the pages is
a kind of dynamic navigation bar done with
JavaScript. Actually includes a map of the
entire site that should live quietly and
efficiently in your browser's cache, and
dynamically adjusts itself based on the URL.
"Under Construction disease"? What's
that? Seriously, this is an unending project,
even with the help of the Homepage Builder
HTML editor...
Welcome to my strange home pages!
(The main counter used to be here, but can't
give any good base figures--about the 5th
server now. Some of them had several thousand
hits--but those were the old days, and there
weren't many pages to be visited...)
What's important?
(Kind of a rough guess at priorities...)
Glimpses of Familiar Japan is an attempt to consolidate some of my
observations and strange thoughts of Japan
over the years.
My anti-Dubya pages are really just negative spleen venting,
but they're very seasonal and for now are
getting more hits than any other part of
the site. No thanks to the shallow hypocrite for the negative motivation.
There's an email link at the bottom of my
pages, but... For the inconvenience of the
spamnuts, it is is not a primary email address,
and it's disguised, too--can't reveal 'real'
email addresses in public anymore. *sigh*
Actually, I've rigged it so that if the spammers
do get it, I can change the routing on all
of my home pages with one tweak. Anyway,
if you click on the link, your email software
should be able to figure it out. You should
actually receive a robotic warning response,
but I should still receive it (via yet another
another routing trick). About a year now,
and so far no spam. (Knock on wood.)