Page |
Signatures |
Links to Same Page Elsewhere |
Front Cover |
This column is for transcriptions of the
few signatures in my yearbook--at least the
ones I'll admit to having. Is this really
all? |
This column is for links to other Web sites. |

Inside Front Cover
Fly Leaf Front |
- Emerson Schwartzkopf*
- debbie johnson
- Shannon, I would hope that you have high
aspirations--and if you have them,
you will
attain them. Much affection,
If you want help with scans, or even scanned
pages of interest to you from my yearbook, |
Fly Leaf Back |
- Bill Branch
- I Hope you make a lot of gravy after leaving
Rice, because gravy and Rice go good
- David Councilman
- To a Nice Person
- Mark [Busley]
- Though you have beaten me in many a chess
game, just remember that cheaters never prosper,
let me know--have scanners, will scan and
email. |
Page 3 |
- Phil Hays*
- From behind the 8 ball, May your chess game
keep getting better.
Page 4 |
- Crista
- Dear Shannon, I am so very glad that I got
to know you. You are a very interesting person
and I have enjoyed very much knowing you
from Forensics and from other areas of school.
Have a very good summer Shannon & I'll
think of you. Good luck at college. Love,
Page 5 |
- Ken Rogers
- I only strike once!

Page 8
Page 9 |
- Nick Dodson
- The only reason I'm signing is that I lost
my Rubber stamp
- Jael
- The Key to Happyness is Happyness itself!!
Have a Happy.

Page 12
Page 13 |
- Linda [Olbert]
- Shannon, I want to wish you all the success
+ happiness in this world. Thanks
for putting
up with me all these two years. Shannon
are one of the very few people I
+ I do. Love always,
- [Paul] Weimer (Honcho)*
- "And I opened my heart to the whole
universe And I found it was loving And I
saw the great blunders my teachers had made
Scientific delerium madness"
Page 22 |
Page 25 |
- Lindon Schultz
- Shannon, Hope you enjoy Rice and do well
there I imagine you will. Soccer team will
try and do well next year it is to bad you
will not be there to play, it is a great
game. When you come back next year perhaps
you can come to our games. See you sometime,
Page 60 |
Page 62 |
Page 65 |
- Chris [Tillman]
- Shannon, I've enjoyed this year immensely
with you. One day you will come to Christ,
it has been shown Fred and me both. Until
that day, Good Luck, and after that day,
God Bless! Always remember our Creator, who
shows infinite mercy.
Page 66 |
- Bill Shute
- Shannon, Best luck to you "radical in
the realm of honkies" at Rice. P.S.
I will pay you the $4.00 I owe you
Page 67 |
Page 86 |
- Hugh Colvin*
- Shannon, I'm glad you brightened up Paul's
day. It was great having someone as bright
as you in physics so that you could answer
all the questions for we dolts at the back
table. Thanks. good luck always.
Page 93 |
Page 95 |
Page 98 |

Page 115 |
- Brad (Knickel?)
- Shannon I think you're a really nice guy
who has a great mind and potential. I appreciate
you assistance in writing or rewriting computer
programs. Have fun this summer and a good
year at Rice. I'm glad you got that scholarship.

Page 117 |
- Bill Sheldon*
- Well Shannon, Its good to see you now. You've
changed, and there again you haven't, You
lost your cold-weather goggles from Welchester,
but not your Ideals. Personally I think that
is just about the most important thing. Take
care of yourself and the girls. Logic is
just another excuse.
Page 127 |
Page 130 |
- Dave
- Shannon, you are one of the few people I
know who can outthink Jim and I combined.
I hope that you will find all that you're
looking for at Rice. Too bad about STTR1!

Page 185 |
- Tim Booth
- Jim Hutchins
- I know you will have fun at Rice, and love
Houston. Hope that we can keep in
touch until
you get your doctorate! (Don't say
you won't...
I know you will.)
- Brad Miskell
- When will you write the book.
- Rhonda Byrne
- Dear Shannon, Congratulations on going to
Rice, Hope everything turns out just "peachy"!
You do have to admit it was an interesting
year. You're very, very nice just remember
don't slouch or stand with your hands in
your pocket. & grow your hair a little